We take your safety very seriously
so please Read the following faqs and T&cs
So, you want to play with fire?
Frequently asked Questions?
Does it hurt? Can It Burn?
NO it shouldn’t hurt, if it does you are doing it incorrectly, or you are working in the wrong conditions. YES, fire can and does burn if you don't wield it properly. It takes a few seconds to do "burn damage" so as long as fire or you keeps moving you shouldn't get burnt. The biggest risk is actually fuel or flame inhalation.
Be sure to listen to the instructor, the skills are dangerous!!
Can I come to your experience as a total beginner?
YES, we cater for all. We have a lot of experience with beginners.
Can I teach my friends?
NO, we have a strict policy on not passing the skills on to others. It took us decades to build up the experience and knowledge we feel is necessary to be able to teach these skills. 1 lesson with us is not enough knowledge to pass on to others, Please send anyone you know who is interested in learning back to us.
Is it bad for me/my health?
YES is the short answer, the fuel and soot are carcinogenic, long term exposure to fumes and fuels can affect your health in the long term. But you can help your health by eating foods high in anti oxidants
and drinking lots of water.
Do you supply the equipment?
YES, we supply all the equipment, fuel and safety devices. (You can also purchase equipment from us)
Do you put anything on your skin or in your mouth to stop you from burning?
NO, there are no tricks or cheats, you will be learning skills. Like how to control and manipulate the fire safely, without burning yourself.
Can I bring a stag or hen party?
Yes, we provide a thrilling experience for groups but they must be over 18 and not have had
any alcohol within the last 24 hrs
I have a beard do I need to shave?
No, sort of - beards are fine, you may want to trim the top lip line of a moustache though.
How many people have you taught? And has anyone ever injured themselves badly?
Over 2500 people in 10 years! Yes, we had 2 participants who inhaled the fuel after the fire breathing class. They survived and we are still friends!! (lipoidal pneumonia) We don’t take this lightly and it’s very important for participants to be fully aware of the dangers.
Can I perform for my friends?
We recommend a lot of practice before putting an audience at risk,
so talk to us if you have plans to take it further some day
Terms and Conditions
Participants must:
Be over 18
I Agree never to re-teach any of the fire skills learned at The Fire School
Speak to a Dr if you have any serious skin or lung conditions,
the fuels and fumes can have adverse effects on these areas in particular.
Never come to any classes intoxicated or hung over / no alcohol before hand
Wear the appropriate clothing (no synthetics like polyester, nylon, Lycra)
only 80% + cotton, denim or leather are fine)
You must not be wearing false eyelashes or extensions or Acrylic Nails as these are very flammable.
Never wear Flammable substances such as perfume, hairspray, hair mousse, fresh nail varnish. Deodorant may be applied 2 or more hours prior to the activity.
Listen carefully and follow instructions as given.
If you arrive 15 or more minutes late you will not be allowed to join the class
Deposits are non refundable, group class bookings get 1 free reschedule and then incur fees for further date changes / Private classes are paid in full and non exchangeable.
Not abuse teachers, if so they will be suspended from the course and any fees will be kept
All classes are dangerous and although we are insured to teach, it will be at your own risk.
All equipment will be provided for the classes and will also be available to buy
Bring with you:
A large Water bottle,
a dark towel or a flannel to wipe your mouth.
Food/snacks – you should try to eat a good meal before any fire eating or breathing classes as there is a slim possibility of ingesting the fuel and it’s best not to have an empty stomach.
your Toothbrush to clean your teeth after the session.
Location: Artcore International, 57-63 Napier rd., East Ham, E6 2SG, London
Google - The Fire School
Nearest tubes: East ham - and walk 15 min. left out of the station and left again onto Barking road, then right onto Napier rd. / or a cab Barking - get the bus 5 towards canning town or 238 and get off at Altmore Avenue and walk 5 min. We are at the very bottom of Napier Rd - Big brown gate with barbed wire above it.
Call Sarah on arrival or text if you are late. 07791286369